Progress on Alpha

So for this week the alpha was due and just as I feared I wasn't able to get a prototype that was fully playable but I'm happy with the progress I made considering I knew almost nothing of what I incorporated. I was able to include a start menu with functioning buttons. I incorporated all the sprites and animations for the player characters movements, tuned the movement on the character to feel more appropriate for a space themed game and what I'm most proud of is that I got gravity working on the planets.

For playtesting this week, people were very impressed with the functionality of the gravity and can't wait to see it in the final version once it's more tuned. 

For the coming weeks there's a lot I want and need to add. I want to add a fade transition between the main menu and the main game. For the main game I need to add sprites and animations for the celestial bodies, link the timers to ending objectives and the game itself, make the background sprite loop when you reach the edge of it, and code the collectible elements and objectives to make the planets. I know it's a lot to do in a short time period but my motivation is still there to complete it especially after being able to code the gravity which I thought would be nearly impossible. 

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